"Etoile Cyber" + "Blade Skater"
A Fusion Summon of this card can only be done with the above Fusion Materials. This card gains the following effect, based on the number of monsters your opponent controls.
● 1: Cannot be destroyed by battle.
● 2: This card's ATK is doubled.
● 3: Your opponent's activated card effects are negated.
Released on: Apr 01, 2022
Search decks that include Cyber Blader
TCGplayer Most Recent Sales:
6/12/2023 - 12 sold for $0.20 each
NM 1st Edition )
6/10/2023 - 1 sold for $0.17 (
NM 1st Edition )
6/4/2023 - 2 sold for $0.39 each
NM 1st Edition )

"Etoile Cyber" + "Blade Skater"
A Fusion Summon of this card can only be done with the above Fusion Materials. This card gains the following effect, based on the number of monsters your opponent controls.
● 1: Cannot be destroyed by battle.
● 2: This card's ATK is doubled.
● 3: Your opponent's activated card effects are negated.
Released on: Apr 01, 2022
Search decks that include Cyber Blader
TCG Player Most Recent Sales:
6/13/2023 - 3 sold for $0.50 each
NM 1st Edition )
6/3/2023 - 1 sold for $0.11 (
NM 1st Edition )
6/2/2023 - 2 sold for $0.24 each
NM 1st Edition )