Equip only to a Spellcaster monster. It gains 500 ATK. If you control the equipped monster and this card: You can send both to the GY; draw 2 cards.
Released on: Apr 18, 2019
Search decks that include "Wonder Wand"
TCGplayer Most Recent Sales:
6/7/2023 - 6 sold for $0.37 each
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6/7/2023 - 10 sold for $0.25 each
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5/11/2023 - 1 sold for $0.33 (
LP Unlimited )

Equip only to a Spellcaster monster. It gains 500 ATK. If you control the equipped monster and this card: You can send both to the GY; draw 2 cards.
Released on: Jan 25, 2019
Search decks that include "Wonder Wand"
TCG Player Most Recent Sales:
5/30/2023 - 2 sold for $0.43 each
NM 1st Edition )
4/16/2023 - 1 sold for $0.87 (
MP 1st Edition )
2/8/2023 - 1 sold for $0.49 (
NM 1st Edition )