Once per turn: You can pay 500 LP; add 1 "Volcanic Shell" from your Deck to your hand. This card must be in the GY to activate and to resolve this effect.
Released on: Mar 08, 2023
Search decks that include "Volcanic Shell"
TCGplayer Most Recent Sales:
6/12/2023 - 2 sold for $10.00 each
NM Unlimited )
6/12/2023 - 1 sold for $9.01 (
NM Unlimited )
6/10/2023 - 3 sold for $8.91 each
NM Unlimited )

Once per turn: You can pay 500 LP; add 1 "Volcanic Shell" from your Deck to your hand. This card must be in the GY to activate and to resolve this effect.
Released on: Apr 01, 2022
Search decks that include "Volcanic Shell"
TCG Player Most Recent Sales:
6/11/2023 - 3 sold for $0.27 each
LP 1st Edition )
6/7/2023 - 2 sold for $0.31 each
NM 1st Edition )
6/5/2023 - 3 sold for $0.31 each
NM 1st Edition )